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Friday, December 5, 2014

Preparing for Julia Cook

We are getting ready for our next author visit.  Julia Cook will be at Brookwood on December 11th and will speak to kindergarten, first, second, and third grades in the Media Center.  Julia is a former school guidance counselor who writes books that help children deal with life issues, behavior skills, and overcoming fears among other things.   Kindergarten and first grades listened to and discussed several of her books in the Media Center and also with Mr. Bess in guidance. Mr. Bess also shared books with second and third graders, but in the Media Center those classes listened to a book and then used Julia's website to find out more about the author.  Then they entered the information they found on a Google Document.  They also learned some keyboarding shortcuts, such as cut & paste and find.  Three classes come next week and pictures will be added soon!