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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

New Books, Databases and E-books!

We have lots of "presents" for our students and teachers! I just finished entering over a hundred new books that I purchased at the Scholastic Book Warehouse on Saturday. Some are already on the shelves and the rest will be as soon as we finish processing them. The titles have been added to the "New Books December 2014" resource list on Destiny Quest. There are over 200 new books on this month's list!!! Thanks to our PTA for funding this purchase!

We also now have two more awesome research databases - PebbleGo and PebbleGo Next. Students and teachers were asked to compare and help make the purchase decision (see entries about this below). You can connect to both of these databases either through the school website under "Quick Links" or through the home page on Destiny Quest (click "exit" then "home").

We also will soon have new e-books (electronic books) that can be accessed through Destiny Quest. These books all have unlimited access which means there are no limits on how many students or teachers can use them at one time - isn't that great? I was awarded a matching grant so I was able to purchase 42 new ebooks for the price of 21. As soon as we receive the computer records for the new ebooks, I will add them to a resource list - "New E-books" to make them easier to find in the system. Of course, just entering "ebooks" in the Destiny Quest search box will find ALL of our ebooks - so if your child is looking for something to read over the holidays, don't forget these books can be downloaded to your computer, tablet or phone and can then be read off-line. Students may check out as many ebooks as they like and they will automatically "return" to our library after two weeks - they are NEVER late - how cool is that? Again, thanks to out PTA for purchasing these e-books for our students and teachers!