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Monday, November 28, 2016

Author Visit for K - 3rd Grades

Author and singing zoologist, Lucas Miller will visit with Brookwood Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades on Monday, December 5th. We are taking pre-orders for his books which he will autograph on the day of the visit. In case the form did not make it home, here is a link to it. No printer? No problem - just send a note to Mrs. Wagner (Media Center) with the following info:

1. Your child's name
2. Your child's teacher
3. The book(s) you would like to purchase
4. How you want the book(s) personalized
5. Attach payment

Please be sure to send EXACT cash or a check made payable to "BioRhythms Publishing."

We might accept orders after the visit, but then your child will not get to have their photo taken while Mr. Miller signs the book and it is always special for the children to have a little "one on one" with the author! Also, the orders may not be received until after the Christmas break, so I encourage you to pre-order! To learn more about Lucas Miller, visit his website.