We are back! Only three days into the new school and we have checked out almost 200 computers to 4th and 5th graders and made sure everyone could log in and connect to the Internet. Students will be bringing home acceptable use agreements next week. They must be signed and returned before students will be allowed to bring their computers home. We will be focusing on Digital Citizenship a lot this year, but especially for the first nine weeks. We have also had 9 classes (for library class) and they have checked out over 400 books!
Summer reading lists are due back to us by Wednesday, August 17th. For the first time ever, we allowed students to check out up to 10 books for the summer and we checked out OVER 800 books!!!! Students have until August 19th to return any books that they borrowed for the summer. I think this was clearly a success and something we will continue! I have always felt the books were "lonely" sitting in the library over the summer and love that they were read over the break!