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Friday, December 16, 2016

Hour of Code 2016

This is the third year that we have participated in the Hour of Code in the Media Center. Kindergarten through 5th grade participated. All grades "unplugged" to learn some of the processes that coders use such as logical thinking. Kindergarten through 3rd grade worked through different versions of programming a "robot" while 4th and 5th graders learned about how packets travel across the Internet and what can cause a network to go down. Some of the upper grades also tried their hand at coding through their choice of sites on their second visit. These sites are always available for students to use through the "Learn to Code" page on our MediaWiki.

To view our Hour of Code photos click HERE.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Singing Zoologist

Kindergarten through 3rd grade really enjoyed our visit with Lucas Miller, the Singing Zoologist today.
Mr. Miller's shows were different for each grade level and his hilarious, but scientifically true songs about subjects such as metamorphosis and ocelots, were as educational as they were funny.
Click here to see our photos of the visit.

To see more of Lucas Miller, you can watch his YouTube channel.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Author Visit for K - 3rd Grades

Author and singing zoologist, Lucas Miller will visit with Brookwood Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades on Monday, December 5th. We are taking pre-orders for his books which he will autograph on the day of the visit. In case the form did not make it home, here is a link to it. No printer? No problem - just send a note to Mrs. Wagner (Media Center) with the following info:

1. Your child's name
2. Your child's teacher
3. The book(s) you would like to purchase
4. How you want the book(s) personalized
5. Attach payment

Please be sure to send EXACT cash or a check made payable to "BioRhythms Publishing."

We might accept orders after the visit, but then your child will not get to have their photo taken while Mr. Miller signs the book and it is always special for the children to have a little "one on one" with the author! Also, the orders may not be received until after the Christmas break, so I encourage you to pre-order! To learn more about Lucas Miller, visit his website.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Too Cool!

Today, we tried some augmented reality with Mrs. Kadinger's pre-k class.  I had a little glitch getting the Quiver app downloaded (well - actually not a glitch - but the iPads had to have the lastest update for the app to work) - so I found it easier to use my phone.  I had hoped for each child to be able to use an iPad themselves.  We'll do that next time we use AR - and there will be a next time as the kids really loved this.   They simple drew a black design on their pumpkin paper and when we used the app, their designs came to life!  I wish I had screenshots of all of them - but here are the ones that I have anyway! The students loved seeing a candle glowing inside of their jack  o'lanterns! When viewing on the app, you can rotate the device to see different views, too.  Go to their website - www.quivervision.com - to download pages if you want to try this at home!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Thank you, Natalie Lloyd!

Our 4th and 5th graders had amazing visits with author, Natalie Lloyd this morning.  I love that we are able to host smaller groups in the media center - it makes these visits more personable.  Each grade level has about 100 students and each grade level had their own session with Natalie.  (Thank you Brookwood PTA!!!)  Natalie gave us insight into her writing process, what inspires and motivates her, how she comes up with ideas (and by extension - how THEY can come up with ideas for writing), and of course, told us all about Biscuit!  She also patiently answered lots of questions ad signed autographed books for students.  I will be collecting feedback from students about the visit this week and will share that on the blog later.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Upcoming Author Visit

In just a few short days (on October 24th to be exact), author Natalie Lloyd will be at Brookwood to visit with our 4th and 5th graders.  Ms. Lloyd is the author of "A Snicker of Magic" (which won the 015/2016 Georgia Children's Book Award and was on the New York Times Bestseller List) and also "The Key to Extraordinary."  We will be excited to hear more about her new series, "Problim Children" which will be released in 2017.

Monday, October 3, 2016


Our MakerSpace area is up and running again.  We recently relocated the dedicated space to an area of the media center that is closer to the circulation desk.   Several students stopped in today to design and build.

Student choices when they come to the MakerSpace area are to:
1)  Build / invent
2)  Explore / Learn
3)  Try one of our STEM Challenges

Friday, September 30, 2016

Celebrate your right to read!

This is one of my favorite activities to do with 5th graders.  Every year, we observe the American Library Association's Banned Book Week.   I pull books that have been challenged or banned and put them together and let the kids try to figure out what they have in common with each other, but NOT with the rest of the books in the library.  Then we talk about rights, responsibilities, and censorship issues.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Thanks for Shopping!

Thanks so much to everyone who came to our Fall Book Fair!  And a BIG THANK YOU to all our wonderful volunteers - we could not do this without you!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Fall Book Fair

Our first book fair of the year opens for business on Thursday, September 22nd.  Days and hours are listed below.  Proceeds from our book fair help to pay for two author visits each year and provide funds for library books, ebooks, and supplies. 

September 22, 23, 26,27,& 28  -   8:00 am to 4:00 pm
September 29 (Last Day) - 8:00 am to NOON
September 23 - BALLYHOO - PARENT NIGHT - 5 -7 pm

Our ONLINE book fair had already started and will be open until October 3rd.  You can shop there 24/7 and books will be shipped to your child at school no later than October 12th.

In addition, we will once again collect change for ALL FOR BOOKS.  Scholastic will match the amount of money we collect to provide books for schools in Louisiana that were recently flooded.
Thank you for helping with this worthy cause.

Click on the book fair link in the menu bar to the right for links to our book fair homepage or to volunteer!

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

1:1 Devices

This year, every student in Dalton in grades 3 through 12 has a personal laptop device.  Permission forms this year included both school and family owned devices.  You can read more about the program and access the permission form and insurance information here
Fourth and fifth graders received their devices during the first week of school and the roll-out for third graders was completed today. 

Monday, August 29, 2016

Celebrating Summer Reading!

We had so many students participate in our Summer Reading Program this year that we actually held TWO parties - one for the lower grades and one for the upper grades!  Students who sent a summer reading picture received their choice of a hard cover book.  Everyone went down the line and choose their prizes - at least two paperback books and one hard cover book, plus some toys, trinkets, and of course, everyone got a Kellogg's cereal bowl again this year. (Thanks to my wonderful brother-in-law!)

In addition, we had over 800 books checked out of the library for the summer!!!  This makes me SO happy - those books were not lonely all summer - they were loved!   We had a great response to trying this and I am already planning on offering it again next summer.

Here are some pictures from our celebration.