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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Where did October go?

I can't believe we are already at the end of October! We have had quite a busy month.
Our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders have learned to use our new OPAC (Online Patron Access Computer) System. They have enjoyed being able to connect with their school friends and recommend books to other students, too. 5th graders have also used the Destiny Quest App on the iPad, learned how to post their own reviews of books they have read on Quest, and conducted online research with Destiny Quest for their 4H projects. PK through 1st graders have enjoyed fall and Halloween stories this month on their weekly visits and 2nd graders have been learning about tooth customs from around the world. (Of course, we have had a Halloween story or two, also!)

So far this year, we have already circulated 10,180 books! Wow!