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Friday, December 11, 2020

Hour of Code

 Like everything else, Hour of Code looked a little different this year.  My favorite unplugged activities involve shared items - so we could not use them.   Second through 5th grade students had their choice of coding games or a code based breakout.  Activities all have short cuts in their Canvas course, too.  Several students have told me they have gone back on their own time to code or work on the breakout. That's a "win" in my book any day!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


What a strange year!  We were finally able to host students in the library earlier this month - although our procedures have changed quite a lot.  Then this week, I had to Zoom with classes and they could not come to the library.  

Links and passwords for my Zooms are ALWAYS posted in my Zoom Canvas course, (Virtual Media Center) so that is where students need to check for the link

Monday, November 2, 2020

Thanks to everyone who took time to look at the online book fair - whether or not you purchased - and special thanks to those of you who were able to make a purchase!  I appreciate all of you!
While we only did a fraction of our normal business, it is still a huge help in these times and 
will help us provide BookFlix for our students for another year!


Monday, October 19, 2020

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Looking Good!

 We have a whole new look in our library! New shelves, new tables, and new chairs!  I have also been busy making new decorations!  I can't wait for everyone to see it - right now, the library is still closed for students, but we are delivering books that students put on hold to classrooms.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Welcome Back!

 Whether you are an in-person hybrid student or a virtual student, I am happy to welcome you back to Brookwood. I have some surprises in store for you when you can come to the library - hopefully soon!

We are unpacking right now and that will take a couple of weeks - then I will post some pictures of our new shelves and furniture.  I am so excited to share this!!!

Friday, March 27, 2020

Love and miss you!!!

Dear Friends,
I know this may be a scary time for you and your family.  Please know I am thinking of you and am here to help in any way I can.

I love this quote by Mason Cooley and it seems very appropriate right now!

Remember - we have LOTS of ebook choices, from picture books to chapter books and I am adding more all the time as I find extra free resources.  So head over to the

Brookwood Virtual Library

and read a good book!

Also, if you are looking for games to play, or want to learn to touch type, learn to code, go on a virtual field trip, watch a live animal cam, or find even MORE choices, head over to

Mrs. Wagner's Library Lynx.

There are lots of options in the navigation menu.  Field trips and animal cams are under

Online Resources for Teachers and Students.

I can't wait until things are better and we can be together again!Love,Mrs. Wagner

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Brookwood's Choices

Students recently voted for their favorite nominee for the Georgia Children's Book Awards.

Students in kindergarten through fourth grade vote on picture books.  We read these in the Media Center during library time.

Students in 4th and 5th grades vote on chapter books.  They need to have read a minimum of two of the nominated books to vote.

The winners for Brookwood are:

Favorite picture book:

We had a tie for favorite chapter book:

Winners for the state will be announced soon - stay tuned!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Read Across America

We started off this week with an author visit for the upper grades and celebrated everyday! Thursday we hosted over 30 adult guest readers and in addition, our German classes were visited by students taking German at DHS!

Here are a few pictures from the week!

Monday, March 2, 2020

Two More Author Visits!

Kristen O'Donnell Tubb and Shelli Johannes both visited with our 4th and 5th graders today in the Media Center.  Mrs. Tubb is the author of last year's Georgia Chapter Book Award winner, " A Dog Like Daisy" (+ other books!) and Ms. Johannes is the co-author of the "Cece Loves Science" series (and other books!). Here are a few pictures!  Look for more to be published in the yearbook!

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

R. Gregory Christie Visit

We enjoyed our time with Mr. Christie today!  He visited with kindergarten, first, second, and third graders and each session offered something different.  He shared his travels, his process, taught a simple art lesson and MORE!  Many students purchased books and Mr. Christie autographed the books after each presentation. 

Friday, February 21, 2020

Author / Illustrator R. Gregory Christie

We are so excited!   Mr. Christie will be here on Tuesday, February 25th to visit with our students in grades kindergarten through 3rd grade.  Mr. Christie has received the coveted Caldecott Honor and several Coretta Scott King awards for his amazing illustrations.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Co - Spaces

The fifth graders are working in Co-Spaces and creating their own virtual reality plant and animal cells.  After creating and labeling their cells, they are projected onto a Merge cube and videoed,  Then students pull their video into iMovie and record a voice over.  Once that is completed, they are sharing to SeeSaw.  So MANY skills used for this project and they are doing a great job.