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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Summer Reading

School's out for summer! (Now that song will be stuck in your head for the rest of the day!) Don't forget to send your summer reading picture to Mrs. Wagner!  Students who send a photo by August 2nd will receive a prize (one per student). Pictures will be posted as they are received.

Summer reading logs are due to Mrs. Wagner by August 11th.  Lost your log?  You can access one here or just write your list on a piece of paper.  Don't forget to include your first and last name!

Made with Padlet

Thursday, May 18, 2017

May Newsletter

Hopefully, the May Newsletter made it home with your student, but in case it didn't, here is a link.

There will be a link to the  summer reading log in the summer reading post that will be at the top of the blog all summer.  But no worries!!! If you can't find the log, you can just write the list of books that you read on any piece of paper. Be sure to put your first and last name on the paper before you turn it in!

Our Newest Author

I am SO excited to add this new book to our library collection!  It was written and illustrated by our very own 1st-grade student, Kingston!  I am so impressed with his initiative and creativity. And, of course, I love the topic he has chosen! I will need to use this next year when we talk about taking care of library books!

Thank you, Kingston!  (His last name is on the book cover, but I am blurring it out for privacy as I try to never put student's last names on the Internet!)

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

E-Books for Summer

Don't forget - summer is just around the corner and kids who read over the summer will come back to school better readers - practice makes perfect!  What should they read?  They should read for pleasure over the summer.  I always tell my students that summer reading should not be like homework - it should be fun and enjoyable.  So recently, classes have been using some of the fun e-books (electronic books) that they can access over the summer.  Links to all of the sites are over in the Navigation Bar on the right hand side of this web page - but I will put it HERE, too, to make it even easier!

Monday, May 15, 2017

Summer Check Out

We had such success with and wonderful feedback from allowing students to checkout books last summer that this is becoming another tradition. Students who have a good library record for returning books on time and taking care of their books may check out 10 books for the summer.  Parent permission is required and students may pick up a form in the library.. Summer books may be checked out the last week of school and will be due on August 18th, which gives you 12 school days to return them.

Monday, May 1, 2017

BOGO Book Fair

Our BOGO Book Fair opens at 8 am tomorrow (Tuesday, May 2nd) and runs until 4 pm on Friday, May 5th.  We will be open from 8am to 4 pm each day.  The BUY ONE GET ONE book fair is a great place to stock up on #SummerReading!  Information about our summer reading program will be sent home in a couple of weeks (or you can check back here, too!).


We tried a break-out session for the first time today!  I have been wanting to do a breakout for months, but the cost of locks and boxes has stopped me - but then I discovered DIGITAL break-outs!  So much fun!  But it turned out to be a little harder for 5th graders than I thought it would be - so next week, we will visit it again and work on strategies!!!