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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Summer Reading

Please share your summer reading pictures by emailing them to Mrs. Wagner. We love to see our students and staff reading. And it is so much fun to see where everyone is, too!

Don't forget to fill out your summer reading log, too! (If you can't find the paper, it's okay - just make your own list - write the name of the books and the date you finished reading each one. Don't forget to put YOUR name on the top and then add your teacher's name for the 2014/2015 year before you turn it into the Media Center.)

REMEMBER - You can read ebooks by clicking the link on the right hand side of this page!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Advice for Next Year

Before leaving for the year, our fifth graders have left some advice for next year's 5th graders on our virtual corkboard.

Click and drag on the screen (and zoom in and out) to read all the posts.


Friday, May 16, 2014

"Blowing Up" the Librarian

So, I'm working in my office this afternoon and I hear some 5th graders say, "Let's blow up the librarian." Now, some people, upon hearing this may have shut and locked their door, but I came out to see what was going on! Raising up the librarian might be a better description - but it does involve blowing up ziploc bags with straws. If you want to try this, you can get directions by clicking on the link: http://pbskids.org/zoom/activities/sci/airlift.html

Ready for Summer Reading E-Reading!

With so many of our students having their own devices, we have been practicing how to access electronic (e-books)for the summer. Students who have brought their devices to the Media Center for class have also learned how to add the Media Wiki to their home screen for easy access this summer.

Friday, May 9, 2014

What a Wonderful Day!

We had such a wonderful day with author, Lola Schaefer today! She graciously hosted five sessions in the Media Center and this allowed us to have smaller groups than usual. Each presentation was perfectly suited for the grade levels present and I have to tell you, I loved every one! (How lucky am I to get to be there for all of them?) Mrs. Schaefer shared "the rest of the story" about her book Arrowhawk, led classes in echo reading Loose Tooth, listened to students tell what they like and don't like about writing, gave us insight into the process of writing a book, shared several other books with classes, helped students understand the research necessary for narrative non-fiction and so MUCH MORE!

To see the our virtual corkboard with comments from 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders about the program, please click HERE.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

We are so excited!

We have had such a BUSY week - Field Days on Monday and Tuesday - the BOGO Book Fair which started yesterday and ends tomorrow and tomorrow is our author visit and STEM Day. Brookwood has LOTS of activities planned for the day.
In the Media Center, we are so excited and pleased to be hosting author, Lola M. Schaefer! We have been sharing her books for the last few weeks and so many of them are STEM related! Be sure and check back soon for photos from the visit!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

BOGO Book Fair

Our last book sale of the year opens today and it is a special one. Buy one get one free - how great is that? This is a good time to stock up on summer reading and save money - two of my favorite things!